Bekament BK-Grund Universal structural primer

Bekament BK-Grund Universal structural primer

Application temperature:
From +5°C to +30°C. Do not work in direct sunlight, rain or strong wind.

Approximately 0.2-0.25kg/m2 depending on the absorbency and roughness of
the foundation.
Prices from €11.94
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Universal structural primer designed to unify, neutralize, strengthen and
waterproofing of the base before applying all types of fasagens and decorative plasters,
with the exception of silicate fasagens and plasters.

It is recommended that the primer BK-Grund Universal be colored in the same color as the plaster.

Preparation and method of application

The base on which the primer BK-Grund Universal will be applied must be firm, clean, dry and free of greasy stains.
Mix the primer BK-Grund Universal with 15-20% water (3.75-5 liters of water for a 25 kg package) before use.

Apply the thinned primer to the wall using a long-pile roller or brush in one coat.
If necessary, for example in the case of old highly absorbent surfaces,
it is possible to apply the primer in two layers at an interval of 2-3 hours.

The required time for the primer to dry before applying the finishing layer is 12 hours.
For more detailed instructions, see the product specification.
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