Bekament BK-Metal Prime Classic Base coat for metal, grey 0.750ml

Bekament BK-Metal Prime Classic Base coat for metal, grey 0.750ml

Nomenclature number: 123A12877
Application temperature:
From +5 to +25°C. Do not work under direct sunlight, rain or strong wind.

Shelf life and storage:
36 months in original sealed packing. Store at temperatures from +5°C to +25°C, protected from direct sunlight and frost.

100-125ml/m² for single coat application.
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One-component primer for protection of steel structures and metal surfaces from corrosion for interior and exterior. Used alone or in a system with BK-EmajlClassic.

Preparation and application

The surface must be degreased, cleaned and dry.

Before use it is necessary to mix the compound well fi rst and then dilute with BK-Classic oil thinner up to a maximum of 10%.
Apply with brush, roller or spray in 1-2 coats.

Apply the next coat after 24 hours. See product data sheet for more detailed instructions.
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