Trimmer lines, star 3,0mm/15m Richmann C3664Trimmer lines, star 3,0mm/15m Richmann C3664

Trimmer lines, star 3,0mm/15m Richmann C3664

Nomenclature number: 1234C3664
Type: Cutting line for trimmer
Cross-section: star
Diameter [mm]: 3.0
Length [m]: 15
Green color
Material: nylon
Weight [kg]: 0.082
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Star cutting line for trimmer.
Designed for cutting fine grass, small plants, weeds, bushes and meadows.
The star-shaped cross-section of the line ensures faster, even and precise cutting at the expense of faster wear.
The bright color makes it easier to find cut pieces of fishing line on the lawn.
Dedicated to battery or combustion trimmers with a power above 2 HP.
The cross-sectional diameter is 3.0 mm.
Made of nylon.
Length 15 m.