Bekament BK-GletEx Acryl Superfine compound

Bekament BK-GletEx Acryl Superfine compound

Spending rate:
Approximate consumption: 1.5-2kg/m2

Drying time:
Apply the second layer after the first layer is completely dry. In normal
conditions (T = +23-25 ​​°C, relative humidity = 50-60%) This takes about 6 hours.

If there is a need to adjust the consistency of the mixture being worked with,
up to 1% water can be added.
Prices from €2.69
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Putty for mechanical and manual thin-layer leveling of walls.

Preparation and method of use

The base on which the mixture is applied must be firm, clean and dry, without greasy spots, etc.
The base must be pre-coated with BK-Podloga so that the plaster mixture adheres well to the surface.

In case the surface is extremely absorbent, impregnation can also be carried out using BK-Levelator.
The mixture is applied with a steel brush, usually in two layers with a total thickness of up to 3mm.

After mechanical processing, the surface is manually smoothed.
The second layer is applied after the first one has completely dried and after each layer all irregularities are leveled
with sandpaper with a grain of 180 to 240 depending on the technique and purpose.
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