
4 Products
  • Bekament BK-GletEx Acryl Superfine compound
    Spending rate:
    Approximate consumption: 1.5-2kg/m2

    Drying time:
    Apply the second layer after the first layer is completely dry. In normal
    conditions (T = +23-25 ​​°C, relative humidity = 50-60%) This takes about 6 hours.

    If there is a need to adjust the consistency of the mixture being worked with,
    up to 1% water can be added.
  • BK-Liv 30 Quick-setting self-leveling compound 25kg Bekament
    Consumption rate: About 1.5-1.7kg/m2/mm.
    Packaging: 25kg
  • BK-StirolFix WDVS Glue for gluing EPS and mesh reinforcement 25kg Bekament
    Optimum weather conditions: Base and air temperature between +5°C and +30°C.
    Possibility of placing a mesh: after a minimum of 48 hours.
    Possibility of applying finishing layers: after a minimum of 7 days.
    Approximate consumption rate: About 5-6.5kg. for gluing and about 5-6kg. for leveling depending on the quality of the base,
    the type of thermal insulation material used, etc.

    Packaging: 25kg
  • BK-StirolFix Flexible White Adhesive for embedding reinforcement mesh, white 25kg Bekament
    Optimal weather conditions: Substrate and air temperatures from +5°C to +30°C. Possible to embed reinforcement mesh: after min. 48 hours. Possible to apply finishing coats: after min. 7 days.

    Approximate consumption of materials: About 5-6.5kg/m² for bonding and about 5-7kg/m² for leveling, depending on the quality of the substrate, the type of thermal insulation material used, etc.

    Shelf life and storage: 12 months in original packaging in dry room on pallets.
    Package: 25kg.
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